Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Book

I was given a book by my grandmother, the year before she died.
My family as a rule has been involved with genealogy. And interestingly enough, even on both sides, and from different backgrounds and outlooks, I still have roots that are rich with genealogy, reasearching ancestry from long ago.

The Book is beautiful in it's plainness and simplicity. And equally beautiful in it's contents.
It is a 3 ring binder and old style b+w xerox pages with holes punched along each sheet of paper. Inside is 100+ pages of family genealogy. The title of the book, 'The Family History of John & Guinevere McQueen', these are the names of my father's parents.

1 comment:

  1. one ancestor of my wife was the German woman dorothea becker, she was accused by the church in the 16th century, they wanted to burn her, but she was saved by lawyers working vs. the church ...
